Yesterday, I had a couple of different things come together at once that inspired me to take a stab at a bit of technomancy. I was playing with GIMP, trying to polish my photo retouching skills, and found myself playing with the "heal" tool to try to remove a scratch in the wall behind the subject in the picture I was working on. A bit later, I was tending to a rather nasty cut on my arm that has gotten infected and while doing so was contemplating doing a magical working to hopefully speed along the healing. I wasn't up to even trying to do an ADF style Core Order of Ritual rite and didn't really feel like working in any of the other paradigms that I tend to turn to for healing work.
Then, it was like lightening struck. Heal tool in GIMP. Wanting to heal a cut on my arm. So, in that moment of inspiration, I knew exactly what I was going to do.
I grabbed the tools that I would need for my working; my digital camera, my SD card, my laptop and a running instance of GIMP. I flashed a quick picture of my forearm, then realized the lighting in the living room was terrible. So, I took a few more shots playing around with lighting until I finally got a shot I was satisfied with. I popped to SD card in my card reader and opened up the picture in GIMP.
Concentrating my will on healing the cut on my arm with minimal scarring, I started to very carefully retouch the photograph, largely using the heal tool. As I concentrated on retouching the image, I also poured my intent in to every click, every motion. As I fell into the working, I became less and less aware of my shirt sleeves rubbing up against the cut. Finally, when there was not even a trace of the cut on the photo I was retouching, I released the energy that I had been building, grounded myself and closed up the rite.
Jury is still out on how successful the "spell" ends up being, but it was definitely looking better when I got home from work last night. It's fun working in a different paradigm than I'm used to. I might have to make more use of this one in the future, given how much I like playing around with GIMP and how much energy I pour in to anything I'm working on creatively.
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