As I'm sitting on the couch typing this entry, I can see the winter wonderland outside. We've gotten a lot of snow this winter, but I think this is the first time I've been able to look outside and see literally everything covered. At this moment, I'm glad to be safe at home, nestled comfortably in my favorite chair, knowing that I don't have to go outside at any point today. We live at the top of a rather large hill, and I know the driveway is completely covered right now. It's quiet too. The only sounds are J's snoring in his bedroom, and the soft hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. I should be asleep, but I took a long nap last night and can't get to sleep right now.
And so the scene is set. All is quiet and calm and some really productive conversation happened last night. I should be feeling at least okay. I should at least be feeling somewhat at peace. But, I'm not and given the time of year I'm not confident that I'm going to be for a month or so. You see, February is just around the corner and true to fashion J and I are exactly the same in that February is the hardest month of the year for us.
I'm not really sure what triggered it, but the rough patch is hitting me a bit early this year. It's usually at least a week or so in to February before it gets too bad, but right now it's not quite February and things are already starting to get a little bit rough.
I think part of it is because we've both been having a bit of a rough time with something that happened a few weeks back and that's left us both a bit... fragile. We talked a good deal about it last night. It still surprises me sometimes how different we occasionally are. I swear, there is no middle ground with us. We're either perfectly in synch or diametrically opposed.
So, looks like we are headed in to a rough patch. I know we'll make it through it together though. Just try to be gentle for a few weeks?
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